Celebrating Colombia: El Recreo, La Pradera, and Finca 1810

Hang on tight: this upcoming series of star lots tells a story about the state of Colombian coffee today. Three special coffees will light the way through the winter months as we ease into spring!

We’ve worked with speciality pioneers Caravela in Colombia since 2010. This vertically integrated company does everything from running local cupping labs and technical teams in producing regions to importing the coffee to the UK. While we’ve both grown quite a bit since then, we’re still made up of individuals pursuing great quality in purchases large (i.e. Red Brick components La Magdalena and El Meridiano) and small (like the three coffees you’ll learn about below). During our visit in September 2023, Caravela’s Colombian team helped us identify two producers within the La Magdalena and El Meridiano contributors with whom we could work on individual micro-lots. We added a tasty Pink Bourbon for good measure!

In search of some delicious options for the new year, we came across the terrific El Recreo Pink Bourbon micro-lot via Caravela’s buying stations in Huila. Though we don’t have a personal relationship with Dario Rodriguez Trujillo (his farm in Gigante is a good bit north of our focal region nearer to Pitalito), his lot here serves as a great example of the plentiful Pink Bourbon lots that have become available as almost every speciality producer we know in Huila planted a little in the last 5 years. This bright, peachy-citrus cup profile has become synonymous with coffee from Huila, and it’s truly delicious. Think tropical, juicy, and PINK!

  • Producer Dario Rodriguez standing on the El Recreo farm in Colombia.
  • El Recreo farm.
  • Coffee cherries growing on a coffee plant.
  • Producers Dario Rodriguez and Maria Inés at El Recro farm in Hulia, Colombia..

Tolima’s José Hernán Quintero of Finca La Pradera does his own thing. His multi-step honey process is wildly unusual for his area, where the processing bug hasn’t quite taken off like in other areas of Colombia. This attention to detail also translates into his passion for agroforestry, culminating in an impressive reforestation project on several of his coffee lots. Quintero works with the team that assembles our Meridiano Red Brick component, but this honey-processed Yellow Bourbon is in its own class. Perfumey, candy-like, and rosey, it’s an elegant balm for wintery days.

Finally, Ana Lucia ”Lucy” Urbano of Finca 1810 provides us with a now-rare bird: a deceptively simple washed Caturra from Pitalito. High-scoring examples of this type of coffee, truly a classic of the region, are virtually extinct as most producers focus on the craze for extended fermentation for their best lots. Part of the group that contributes to our La Magdalena Red Brick component, Urbano was well into habitat conservation before it was cool. She’s also very active in her community of producers, working with both local and regional organisations for women producers. We were so impressed upon visiting her farm in September that we immediately sought to purchase this type of coffee from her before the coffee was even harvested. Luckily, the coffee shines with winey black cherry and grape and an unmistakable blackcurrant note.

El Recreo, La Pradera, and Finca 1810: three shining stars over the next several months, roasted by Square Mile!

Shop Finca 1810 here: https://shop.squaremilecoffee.com/products/finca-1810

Square Mile

Synonymous with London Coffee Culture, we're continually evolving and looking for better solutions to our everyday tasks. We believe that by working together and supporting our partners across the industry and supply chain, we strengthen our relationships, build expertise and contribute towards placing speciality coffee & culture on the map.

Square Mile

Synonymous with London Coffee Culture, we're continually evolving and looking for better solutions to our everyday tasks. We believe that by working together and supporting our partners across the industry and supply chain, we strengthen our relationships, build expertise and contribute towards placing speciality coffee & culture on the map.