As many of you might know, when it comes to consistently brewing delicious filter coffee at home, we’re great fans of the Hario V60’s conical shape and versatility. With a choice of V60 Hario paper filters, the V60 cloth filter from The Cloth Filter Co. and the Sibarist FAST filters in the shop, brewing the perfect cup based on your mood, occasion, or a coffee’s flavour profile has never been easier. For you to experiment, explore and discover, we’ve put together The Cloth and FAST Filter Pack to compare how the small act of changing a filter can influence and boost flavour in your cup. So, where do we start? The coffee, of course!
Like summer in a cup, Wosasa is the perfect coffee for comparison! A naturally processed Ethiopian coffee, this lot offers great clarity with a well-defined Guji flavour profile referencing stone-fruit, berries and soft tropical notes combined with a syrupy structure. Bold and textural, the slightest alteration becomes a game-changer, highlighting the complexity of this brilliantly produced lot while giving us a solid platform to taste from.
To find a benchmark to taste and compare against, brew Wosasa using your preferred V60 pour-over technique and grind-size using Hario V60 papers; our preference is for the James Hoffmann Ultimate V60 Technique.
As a starting point, we listed out our preferred grind sizes for the comparison based on the grinders we have at the roastery. Use this as a reference; we recommend you test and play around with the grind settings based on your grinder and taste preference.

Cloth filters are a classic for many of us here at the roastery. Because it is woven, the “holes” the coffee filters through are larger, making the cloth filter more permeable than paper. This allows for all of the flavour and natural fats found in coffee to filter through while keeping the sediment out, resulting in the most delightfully balanced and clean yet full-bodied cup by far.
Important side note. For tasty brews and to not end up with funny unwanted flavours in your cup, thoroughly clean and rinse your cloth filter with warm water after use. For everyday use, store it submerged in a glass of water in the fridge, wring it out and rinse again with hot water before your next brew. Or if like us, you use it on occasion only, we recommend you pop it in a container in the freezer.
Brew Ratio: 30g/500ml
Brew Time: 3 – 3.5 minutes
Grind Size Reference: EK43 = #12, the first E of Aeropress on the Wilfa Svart, dial to 20 on the Wilfa Uniform, or refer to the V60 2 cup sample in our Grind Size Sample Pack.

Tips on grind size and brewing time:
See the notes above for the settings on a Wilfa Svart, Wilfa Uniform, or compare with our Grind Size Packs and aim for between 3 and 3.5 minutes on your brewing time. If your brews are running quicker than this, adjust to a slightly finer grind.
The cloth filter + Wosasa
Expect balance and clarity with amplified texture and syrupiness. Especially on Wosasa, the cloth filter almost softens the high notes and boosts the bass by accentuating the mouthfeel.
What kind of coffees would be best suited to brew with the cloth filter?
Anything and everything! From juicy, jammy to creamy, the cloth filter offers a clean cup with loads of texture.
The highlights.
Cloth filters offer the perfect balance between the bold body of a French Press with the clean cup of a paper filter. It’s reusable! And running out of filter papers could be a thing of the past!
Next up is the Sibarist FAST Filter. Made out of purposefully engineered plant-based and organic paper, the permeability of the FAST filters sits somewhere between paper and cloth, which allows for – yes, you guessed it! Faster extraction rates. What we particularly like is how clean a cup the FAST filters render. Because of the materials used, the paper is flavour-free, with zero chance of papery notes making it into your brew. It is also compostable and reusable. However, we would not suggest more than 3 brews per filter.
Brew Ratio: 30g/500ml
Brew Time: 3 – 3.5 minutes
Grind Size: EK43: #7.2, the second R of Aeropress on the Wilfa Svart, dial to 16 on the Wilfa Uniform, or refer to the Aeropress sample in our Grind Size Sample Pack.

Tips on grind size and brewing time:
The same as above. See the notes above for the settings on a Wilfa Svart, Wilfa Uniform, or compare with our Grind Size Packs. Aim for a minimum of 3 minutes of brewing time by pouring a bit slower. Again, if your brews are running quicker than this, adjust to a slightly finer grind.
FAST filter + Wosasa
Balanced, bright and juicy, with an almost accentuated acidity and cleanliness that highlights a whole new range of fruit notes we did not perceive before, Wosasa shines!
What kind of coffees they would be best suited to:
Convenient for everyday brewing, Sibarist FAST Filters are great for accentuating bright, crisp, fruity and acidic coffees.
The highlights.
The FAST filters make for a super clean brew with accentuated fruity and brightness. Compostable and reusable for up to 3 brews, they are recyclable.

Yes, the Hario V60 filter papers will always be the centre of our daily brewing repertoire, but we love the choice and range the cloth and FAST filters offer. Whether you are looking to take your brewing a step further or enjoy mixing things up, this pack is sure to shine a whole new light on Wosasa and unlock an extra dimension of brewing delight!

The Cloth & FAST Filter Pack
tasting notes