Our Director of Coffee, Anette recently wrote about her visit to the Congo and in particular about the way that she was touched by the farmers of the Muungano co-operative. These farmers face daily hardships on a scale barely comprehensible to us, as we sit here warm and safe in the UK.
In the short time that she was there, Anette saw the devastating aftermath of a recent landslide and observed the decrepit state of the infrastructure that the farmers have to deal with on a day-to-day basis.
As with all our coffee purchases, we’ve paid a premium for the Muungano beans to ensure that the farmers can invest in the future of both their families and their crop. However, Anette’s visit has moved us to do more for the farmers of Muungano, and so alongside the release of the coffee next week, we’ll be running a fundraising campaign.
We’ll be adding £1.50 to the cost of each bag of Muungano purchased through our website, and this donation will be matched directly by Square Mile. This means that for every 350g sold, £3 will go directly to the people who need it.
Additionally, we’ll be working with the cafes we supply to encourage them to raise money too, with Square Mile again matching anything raised over the counter. Check out the Where To Drink Our Coffee page to see where we supply near you.
The aim is to raise £5,000, which will be donated directly to the Muungano co-op and allow it to build 18 new drying tables – a vital piece of infrastructure that will allow the group to increase it’s output and give it a brighter future.
To mark the campaign we’ll be dressing all bags of Muungano in one of five special, limited edition labels – look out for these in your local coffee shop and online!

£16.00tasting notes