We’re finally ready to release another lovely coffee from Diogo Teixeira and family at Fazenda Recreio. Last year we used some of their coffee in Red Brick, and this year we picked up some lots to present as a single origin espresso and a filter coffee as well. This pulped natural process Bourbon selection is one of the cleanest, sweetest Brazils I cupped this year, it’s a testament to how satisfying a classic, chocolatey Brazil coffee can be.
Visiting Recreio is always a pleasure, it’s such a well managed and well kept farm with a long family history that is lovingly preserved everywhere you look. In its 5th generation of care, Recreio is a multi award winning farm that employs about 45 full time staff and around 100 seasonal workers during harvest. To look after the needs of their community, the family have built a school for the children of their staff, a clinic, a church, a computer lab and a football field. They also take great care to preserve the natural resources around them, completing their UTZ certification, preserving areas of natural forest and vegetation and reclaiming nearby springs and water sources.
The careful picking, skillful processing and diligent tracking of all the Recreio coffees as they move through the harvest and shipping season makes it a pleasure to be able to buy the Teixeira family’s coffees, and we hope you will enjoy them as much as we do!

£11.00tasting notes