Each year I travel to Costa Rica to cup with our exporting partners and visit the farms that we buy from, a trip that this spring resulted in a full container of delicious coffee which just landed in our roastery. Across the next few months we’ll be releasing one coffee after the other, some as filters, some as espressos, and some as components in Red Brick.

As well as revisiting old friends, this year we discovered some new gems on the cupping table, and we’re really excited to introduce you to them. While waiting to taste, here are some photos from my trip to show you some of the people we are working with this year!
STA ROSA 1900 Micromill, Finca Macho

LOLA Micromill
On my last day cupping in Costa Rica, Don Danilo Vega came in to test some of his coffee from the Lola mill. We put it on the table with my other evaluation samples, and in a blind cupping, it really stood out. It was great to be able to cup together and make the purchase on the spot!

GRANITOS DE ALTURA DEL ORTIZ Micromill, Finca Ortiz 2000
Granitos is one of my favourite mills in Costa Rica, of course they produce great coffee, but it’s also run by a team of young sisters. It’s wonderful to see the younger generation embracing coffee farming, something many other countries are really struggling with. They are so much fun and so talented, and I love being able to buy their coffee!

JUANACHUTE Micromill, Finca Higueron
Luis Anastasio Castro Vindas runs the Juanachute mill in San Pablo, a 3 year old mill built to secure the future of coffee production for Anastasio’s children

LA LIA Micromill, Finca El Dragon

HELSAR DE ZARCERO Micomill, Finca Magdalena
PUENTE TARRAZU Micromill, La Peña